LTP OI Timeflow Chart
Applied Strike Prices:
LTP OI Timeflow (previously know as LTP calculator )
It is a tool that helps traders and investors to determine the Support and Resistance levels of a stock or index. It does this by calculating the average price of a stock or index over a specified period of time. The support level is the price at which a stock or index is most likely to find buyers, while the resistance level is the price at which a stock or index is most likely to find sellers.
LTP OI Timeflow, previously known as LTP Calculator can be used to help traders and investors to make better trading decisions. For example, if a trader sees that the LTP calculator is showing a support level for a stock, they may be more likely to buy the stock. Conversely, if a trader sees that the Free LTP calculator is showing a resistance level for a stock, they may be more likely to sell the stock.
LTP OI Timeflow, previously known as LTP Calculator can be used with only F&O stocks or indices. It is most commonly used with intraday charts. Intraday charts show the price movements of a stock or index over a short period of time, such as one day or one hour. This makes the LTP calculator a valuable tool for day traders who are looking to make quick profits through scalping or intraday trading.

Trading and Investment Terminology